I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to click on the link that led to
this article about Smallville's 200th episode, but I did. And then I giggled. A lot. Not quite as much as I giggled following the Weetabix Revelation on Friday - which is a story for another night - but still, a lot. I didn't even read the article, I just saw the picture and giggled. This has the potential to be the stupidest thing ever done ever anywhere, but I am most definitely going to be watching tomorrow night. Screw context and spoilers and going in order and all that nonsense; the astronaut-sized, happily-brunette perennial anti-hero compels me.
Also, this exchange from "Old Times" made me laugh forever:
Biker Poet Dude: Who are you?
Spike: Spike.
BPD: You're kidding. Wow. I had a poodle named 'Spike'...
Spike: Do I _look_ like a bloody poodle?
No, but you're gorgeous, anyway.