While watching "Excaliber" this evening, I found myself contemplating the fact that I want to do something noteworthy entirely so someone will make a movie about my life entirely so Anthony Stewart Head can play my father.
(Note that it was Uther, not Giles, who led to this thought*. Read as much into that as you like; it's probably all true.)
Another noteworthy thing that had been percolating for awhile before finally rising to the top of my consciousness this afternoon: I work with a woman named Angel Crawley.
And the stuff behind the cuts will do to your dial-up what Skaði did to Loki.
Earlier this year, I had entirely too much fun working on a birthday gift for
bizarreoptimism ...and then quite a bit of fun taking pictures before sending it off. Now that she's finally gotten the gift, I can post the pictures. Yay!
Here's what happened when my ThinkGeek order showed up back in April. It's how "The Eleventh Hour" might have gone...if I had produced it...using action figures.
Oh, the fun to be had with Blinovitch...
(Posted with
captainchaotica 's permission; please click for full-size)
Chaotica hasn't even started watching JL yet, but I think she's already decided where her loyalties lie. I'm sure John won't let her down (I don't think I would have pegged her for a Lantern. I'm not sure who I would have guessed would be her favourite...probably J'onn and/or Shayera for the core cast? But much stranger things have happened.)
Anyway, don't you just love the energy effects? She's so good with things like that. And it's always neat to see classic characters (or at least classic symbols worn by a variety of characters) done in her style. It's so unique, and particularly clean and efficient here...which makes total sense, considering the subject matter.
There was some talk a bit ago about the box I made for
magpieinthesky . Here is photographic evidence that female superheroes bloody well need more iconic symbols, and that some superhero symbols just don't look right on black backgrounds:
* "Babies (The In Between)" invariably makes me think of my dad, too.