So my sister made this in Chem lab this week:
It's as if her lab people knew I would one day have need for an eight-inch-long, horizontally striped strip of multi-coloured fabric.
This year just keeps getting worse*, but the Doctor continues to make his presence known in small but nevertheless morale-boosting ways.
Now, I'm gonna go to Goerings to do a little Hogswatch shopping because, even though I am broke, and even though I strongly object to buying into the whole Spirit of the Season thing before the season actually gets here, there is very little I enjoy more than doing things for people I love. Prepare yourselves, people - it's gonna be a Lit Geek Christmas.
* I most likely have some more really, utterly shit news, but I'm going to play the "don't vocalize it or you'll make it true" game for at least a few more days...