Kilometrics (TM)

Nov 05, 2012 12:09

During my recent Asia trip, Inspired by the unbelievable Hong Kong skyline, I did something while I was there that I very rarely do: I went on a couple of nice longish runs. It was great! However, even better was that as I tried to calculate how far I'd gone (about four miles), it became apparent that if I used kilometers, it would turn out to be a whole six kilometers! wow!

Inspired by my experience, I've decide not only to measure all distances using the metric system, but also to create a completely independent system of competition: Kilometric running, in which all participants will have to measure the distances they've run in kilometers and test their mettle against fellow kilometricians. I expect runners to flock to the new system of races and abandon traditional mile-based racing - after all, who wouldn't want to see their times drop and their new, shiny, higher per kilometer velocities instead of slow-paced milerunner times?  Fortunately I found a Canadian race organizer (they're already partial to kilometrics up there) who not only wants his race to be kilometric but who even has created a whole swath of kilometric races AND a kilometrician standing list! It's been a relief not to have to compete with boring old milerunners.

In addition, since the rest of the world uses kilometers, it seems only fair that only fellow kilometric runners should be eligible to participate in international road races - or at the very least the mile runners should have to count the time taken to run an equivalent distant in miles. Coincidentally, I am also currently the number 1 ranked kilometrician in the USA, and I will be honored and humbled to represent the US at the 2016 Olympics.

(to be x-posted to CGP...I think)
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