Dec 16, 2009 00:00
I don't know why I laugh when reading other journals. The serious entries. The meme stuff I get, but laughing at the shit people put up with, or think about, or contemplate (yes, thinking about something and contemplating something are two different things; contemplation is almost always more serious than thinking)?
Wait, I think I get it,
It's the fact that my little glass ball world is so sheltered now, so protected from the shattering effects of reality, of unforeseen tragedy and frustrations, of spontaneous joy and love (I scoff at that word. Don't care about a sensation I'll never be a part of), is so insignificant compared to the jagged, volatile lives of others that it's laughable that I bother recording anything here. None of it is serious enough to matter.
Tangent spring: Haven't spoken to Centrus in a while. Wonder how he's doing.