Sep 24, 2008 18:56
First Customer of the day: you have any carbohydrate-free flaxseed?
Me: Errr, no. No we don't. Flaxseed naturally contains carbs, sorry.
First Customer of the day: Don't you have any made without it?
Me: No, I'm afraid that's how it comes off the flax plant. *good natured chuckle, thinking she'll realise what a moron she's being and laugh along*
First Customer of the day: So you don't do any kinds where they don't put carbs in?
Me: O_o
First Customer of the day: .....?
Me: *gives up* We don't stock any, sorry - but you could try *rival health food chain*
First Customer of the day: Thanks, I'll ask them!
With apologies to the nice guys at the aforementioned rival shop, for sending you that at 09.02am