May 19, 2009 11:36
i deleted the last entry it wasn't me talking, thinking, breathing, i don't know who it was, but it wasn't me, i'm thoughts & feelings & passion, not cold & calculated, at least, i hope i'm not.
i'm floating around, a little stuck. there's a wall infront of me & i can't work out how to climb it, but i don't think this is terrible, as things will work out, they always do. i'm now on 5 days without medication, withdrawel symptoms make me feel like hell, but i'll work through it, i feel my mood drop a little each day though, like a plane coming into land.
& i have a job, i think, i have training today (wish me luck >.<). which means in 8 weeks or so, i can get myself a new shiny house of my own, a fae hiding space full of trinkets & wonder.
i get scared sometimes, going back to work(?) & then thinking of all these things, impact on my mental health? possibly, i hope this all works out for the best.
little steps will make giant strides,
ghosts from closets walk with me