Jun 05, 2009 23:38
last night i walked home barefoot
this morning my feet are bleeding
i have my flat & i move in next weekend, i hae the keys & i walked round today & was full of smiles, photos soon when i'm homely & everything is sorted.
i also got the nightclub job at liquid, a huge weight it lifted from my shoulders & i struggle not to dance. (i also have a job interview for clinton cards at 9.30 tomorrow & yes i am still working at the pub, lets hope i don't burn myself out)
i also got my uni marks.(for those of you who may not know, january - march was a difficult time, culminating in me spending march in the local psychiatric unit, saying i stayed there is using the term loosly, run away wild child!). i got a solid 2:2 (8/15) for the semester, my feedback is good, saying how well i did to rally through the hardships. a good start that shows promise. hit the ground running in september at the beginning of year two? lets hope so.
today i smile & i feel proud of myself.
little steps will make giant strides