I was just reading my friends page and
burned_rose had a meme about horseback riding; and it has me thinking...
I used to ride quite a bit when I was little, went to camp for it and everything; and you know I miss it, alot. Infact there are a lot of things I have been missing. I used to be very creative and active and I'm not anymore. I used to paint and do pottery, play a few insterments, write more, do wood work, do crafts hike swim play outside, garden, bike, do yoga and ballet. I miss all of these things and I think I need to pick a few and start agian. Or maybe find something new to try; I want to learn how to spin well (i know the jist of it), do embrodery and sew more/better.
So my challange to all of you is to suggest atleast two things I should start doing again and one thing I should try, something I might have never done before.