Death Meander

Jun 01, 2008 14:36

Florence is not a cafe town. Cafes are places where you can sit and rest a bit and linger over a beverage. Florence "cafes" serve "food" and want you to move your tourist ass as soon as possible so they can inflict more "food" on the next victim.

This is why I'm at an Internet Train for the second time today -- it's air-conditioned and I can rest my poor, strolling-abused feet until the Mephisto store opens.

Hrm, how about some nice things to say, instead of all the whining? (Most of my nice things to say will be accompanied by pretty pictures, which are still on my camera.) Um. The not-Florence parts of Tuscany are pretty awesome. Florence is nice before 9 AM, when it starts to heat up and the tourist hordes, having finished up their free continental breakfasts, are turned loose on the city. The Uffizi? Would be amazing even if they didn't put any art in it. creepyanonymous is at Moto GP right now and hopefully having fun (motorcyclists, come to Tuscany, because there are some damn amazing roads here). But 9 days have unfortunately been about 2 days too long.
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