Grumpy and mean....

May 27, 2008 08:50

why do we have hormones to put us through evil grumps at the most inappropriate times?
I feel like crying/killing someone and may continue to do so untill thursday or friday grrrrrrrr.

AND MR M decided kindly to inform me last night that Step daughter is coming to stay fro the week this morning , I am  SO not feelng like dealing with another moody female in the house right now, she is 13 and doing the classic, 
"Oh my god, life os so unfair, I hate everything, I will not speak except in monosylables....."

  MR M was supposed to be fitting my new kitchen this week, and since we dont have a TV down stairs they will be taking over my bedroom too, I have no personal space, and I have guilt for being such a biatch too.

Anyway, on another note I saw Indiana Jones at the weekend, it kind of felt like they wrote half of it then just couldnt be arsed to come up with a good secind half so just went oh yeah lets just say it was all aliens, I f eel and feel dirty and let down , Indie how could you do it.....

evil step mother

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