Caps from 'Scared Stiff' & 'The Stooge'

Nov 13, 2007 21:38

 I made more caps ^^  Just can't help meself ^^;  And I made an mpreg story out of them X3

Looks like they're practicing lamaze techniques for when the baby comes .^_^.

'Breath, Jer, *breath*.  Out, in...good.'  X3

'Can you tell yet, Dean?'

'That the baby's growing in my tummy?'

'No, Jer, I can't tell at all that you've gained fifty pounds since you got pregnant.  Not a bit.'

'Meanie.  And since when was it just *me* that got pregnant?  It takes two, you know.'  X3

'You are so hot right now.'  *_*

'Dean, forget about that, I'm scared.  What if we can't do this after all?  What if *I* can't do it?  Where the *hell* is it supposed to come out anyhow?  What if I bleed to death, and the baby only has one daddy?  And don't you *dare* say you'll let Jeanne raise her, I don't want that ho-skank near *our* child.'

'Jerry, don't worry.  You won't die during childbirth, I won't let you.  Okay?  Everything will be just fine.  It'll all work out.'

'Now come on, let's return to my previous thought, and you'll feel whole lots better.' ~_^  (Walking arm in arm down the aisle <3)

'*Dean*, I thought we were gonna get randy.' *pouts*

Just *kiss* him already, Dean!  He's practically beggin' for it ^^;  What's a girl gotta do to get a little attention?  Geez...

Hey, this might work ~_^

'Okay, I don't care *what* Dean says, it's not showing yet, and I look *damn* good.'

*record jumps*

'Dean!  What's going on over there?!'

Yep, that did it.  Dean is distracted from his job at the phonograph by Jer's gyrating tush...finally ^^  Lookit how adorable he is! X3

*music resumes*

*Jerry procedes to fluster Dean as much as possible*

'I feel pretty, o so pretty, and witty, and *gay*!'

--See?  That's a play on...cuz that song up on the previous one is from...eheh ^^;  (And *this* is based off a line from 'Nutty Professor' XD  *Super* obsessed...?  Yessir ~_^)



Jer forgives Dean for ignoring his needs earlier...

And will prove just how much he's forgiven him later than bed ~_^


'You know I've forgiven you, right?'

'Well, yeah, Jer, but what about the baby...?'

'Sex is good for stimulating contractions, or something like that...  Anyway it doesn't matter, cuz I ain't waiting no more.  So get those covers out of the way...NOW.'

The end. *bows*

dean martin jerry lewis scared stiff sto

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