Jan 03, 2011 14:04
ten some things I've done that you might not have
=received a thank you note from Ray Bradbury for a letter sent as part of a HS class project (project was write to your favorite author, see if you get a reply)
=survived two weeks snowed in on a logging road in Centre County PA on only the things we had with us and melted snow - my first husband and I lived in a bread truck converted to a camper
=lived in a travel trailer for several years
=worked as an upholsterer, then opened my own upholstery business
=learned enough Italian to tell the boss's mom that he was out, and I'd have him call her when he got back (she was surprised and very pleased)
=lived to tell about it after being in my car when it was totaled (yes, I have brain damage. Those who should know tell me I compensate well.)
=had a drug sniffing dog select my luggage for further inspection while entering Italy from Greece because I had granola bars. His handler was totally disgusted.
=won a completely unexpected IHMSA trophy thanks largely to the skill of my spotter
=got a sincere thank you from an engineer when I found an error in his math and brought it to his attention (it was a temp position, everyone else in the office was slightly afraid of him - but his handwriting looked just like my father's, so I could read it easily, and regardless of what the other girls in the office said, I thought he should know about a mistake in something going out for publication.)
=met the love of my life at a job interview.
=held the hand of my oldest daughter as she died, then planned and executed her funeral as a Celebration of Her Life (with the help of my other daughters, my husband, and a panoply of friends)
my history