Jan 30, 2010 01:13
Daughter is home from her travels.
Her SO stopped by this afternoon to pick up her kitties, and take them home to her. I've enjoyed having them as guests, but I'm not ready for full time cat ownership.
This visit, Piper started hopping up on my dresser and helping himself to the nifty "cat toys" that I keep up their for his amusement (NOT!). Husband took my blue tooth earpiece away from him - P was batting it around the floor. Next thing P helped himself to from there was a little clear plastic box with tic tacs in it. He knocked it down (accidentally, I think, I keep it right by the front edge of the dresser) and discovered that it rattles! I've taken that away from him several times already. He was playing with it on the floor of my bedroom when I woke today, making it go *rattle* *rattle* *rattle*
P also started coming into the bathroom every time I went in. I am not used to feline company in the bathroom. Daughter says he does that ALL the time at her house. Have I mentioned that I'm not ready for full time cat ownership?