I just realized today how rude people can be sometimes. You would think that a quick smile or thank you would not be too difficult. People are sometimes just too involved in their own lives to reach out to other people. I just hate people who are not polite, and just people that always scream. My creative writing teacher is like that. He is so rude, and just thinks that everything is just his way or the highway. He lowers my vibration, and I just hate all the negativity there is in this world.
So in that case, yesterday I decided to donate blood. It was a really great experience. We did it as a psychology class, and I'm so glad I did it. At first I was nervous, because last time I attempted to do it, I had low iron. But I was one point above the border. I remember getting up from giving blood, and feeling as if I was high. I felt so light headed, so giggly and I ate a bag of oreos, two bags of popcorn, and three cranberry juice boxes. ohh man.
So finally I know how to put some pictures on my live journal. There's two here. One from my birthday party, and one from prom.
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/Magooni10/BirthdaypartyandProm005.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/Magooni10/BirthdaypartyandProm012.jpg