OOo Back to School , back to school to prove to dad that im not a fool

Oct 28, 2004 08:13

Yesterday was quite nice only having half a day and not having any practice but it ended to soon lol. And now we are back at school which sucks

 2nd grade was easy but social studies divison this is gonna be tough

Yesterday was just grand i went over to mikes and we watched Wet hot american summer courtesy of Kristin. It was a great movie. We watched a couple other shows and then he went hunting and i went back home. It might not sound the greatest but it was awesome compared to sitting in school or running sprints. Later on Mike came over and we watched blue collar comedy  tour.

Ron white is the funniest guy in the world  but Larry is none to shabby lol

Err brothers are so dumb!!! Mainly by brother because when your tryin to be pissed at him he keeps sayin stuff that makes you laugh and that just makes you even madder.  But owell i still love him even if he does fart on me and annoy me.

Today I dont have any tests or quizzes which is great unfortunatly i have practice, which really sucks but owell Im starting down the countdown of practices

8 PRACTICES LEFT (not including district practices)

Yeah that just put me in a really good mood. Tommorow Mr. J is leaving which is extremly sad but Mr. Klopf is cool.

Well here are just some random pics

 HOw did you know this is my favorite song "making my way downtown and im walking fast"

 Meet lazer , blazer and Meechelle. I have some sex toys in the back  if you like... no no i dont, but really i do

 Heres a lil math for you   Jeepers Creepers 2 +me= Lots of screaming and a pair of peed pants!!!

The nazi has just entered the room time to leave. Mrs. klemish is ton the lookout

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