Nothing left for me 2 do

Oct 23, 2004 18:03

Im really bored at the moment i have pretty much nothing to do. I did all my homework like the studious worker that i am and ive read and watched tv and there is basically nothing left to do except be bored.

School is looking up i have all A's and i finally got my Algerbra II grade up to an A- (which is really good considering that it used to be a B-) THis week Mr. Joslyn is leavin which is gonna suck cuz he is an awesome teacher but owell if i had the chance to go make more money somewhere else i would take the offer even though vesteburg people are not as cool as Merrill people.

3 MORE WEEKS OF BASKETBALL!!!!!!!! Im so excited because currently i hate it w/ a passion and we only have 5 more games to lose <---- Im not being pessimistic just realistic. Volleyball will start and i will be happy. I think everyone else agrees w/ me. Idk i think i would have enjoyed this year alot more on jv even though eveyrone on varsity is awesome and i love them all i think nebody woudl be happier w/ wins.

Halloween approaches and i have no idea what i am gonna do prolly just hang out w/ mike and my friends. Prolly wont go trick-or treating which is sad because i never like to pass up a chance to walk around and hang out w/ my friends and get free food at the same time. And i dont really konw if ne of the haunted houses are in my future because im kinda of what you call a wuss and scream very easily and im scared if i go somewhere i will end up peeing myself and that woudl jsut be extremely embarrassing especially since my friends and Mike would make fun of me like they always do. Owell hopefully i make some plans.

Friday was alright school,practice and hanging out w/ mike. We went a rented a couple movies. Escanaba in the moonlight and Underworld. Escanaba in the moonlight is really retarded and i fell asleep but underworld was really cool but Mike fell asleep in that one. As you can see we have very different tastes in movies lol.

Saturday i spent the whole day at mikes so much that my mom called at dinner and asked if i had lost my way home lol but i was having a good time over ther so i stuck around :o). Me and mike entertained ourselves w/ the games
*Guess Who: we stopped playin cuz he was a big baby and complained cuz he was losing.
*Operation: we stopped playin cuz he said i was cheating
*Mouse trap: We just gave up and put the thing together because the game is gay other wise.
I discovered mike isn't the most agreeable person to play board games w/ lol. Later on that night we went and rented a couple more movies Envy for us and Jersey Girl for his mum and sis. It sucked cuz i was really lookin forward to gettin Van Helsing and as we walked in i saw some dad heading straight for the last copy of it. and it was like one of those slow motion things were i was all liek NOOOOO STOOOOOP!!! but it was too late and the stupid guy got it.

Today i went to church, finished up my homework and then went out to lunch w/ mike and his family which was fun. His family is cool and i get along w/ them really well. After that i came home and sat around and thats pretty much it ive been online for a long time playin games and writing but im all out of stuff to write so tata
Luv always
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