Don't mind me

Apr 22, 2012 15:51

Well most of it seems like people think that I'm telling them what I believe is well, the one and only truth/religion/ect. And I think the only one it holds true for is well me, probably because it's a highly... personal-type religion. And it tends to make people think I'm some tree-hugging quack.

To me, everything has a spirit/soul/being of sorts (this does not make them intelligent, per-say. Some people seem to think that you need to have a soul to be sentient or intelligent, hard to IQ test a tree), and should at least be respected.

I believe in the existence in multiple gods, I personally only follow a few. And I see them less as ALL POWERFUL CREATORS AND DESTROYERS of everything, and .. they are more like beings that reign and oversee their aspect (like say, the moon, sun, or nature) and generally guide others rather than be the start all/end all of humanity. (Though I haven't personally experienced some of the gods that are labled more 'dark', but I tend not to just things as pure good or evil, shades of grey mostly. At least from the lore I've read some of the 'dark' gods get the bum end of a deal or just deal in things labled 'dark' such as death and what not.)

I have (or I believe I do at any rate) things like 'spirit guides' that correlate with the gods I ask for guidance. That and I have randomly occurring deja vu style dreams that often deal with them. I never remember them until I see the scene for a second time. They often happen right after difficult events, but can sometimes be completely random, like about a certain shape in my cereal. I use them as a guide for 'you're heading the right way' with my life.

I also have a condition called multiplicity, while it presents as having voices or other things in my head, they usually don't have much to say about anything. They just kind of .. exist in there and share my life. They hardly tell me to do anything, and if they say anything it's usually encouragement when I'm having a very uncomfortable day dealing with my genderqueerness. Think of it like roommates in your head. Only more considerate and they don't use all the hot water. How they got there? No clue, though one's been with me for most of my remembering life.

It... it's really hard for me to say that this is all true for me, because part of me knows that it could just be some strange quirk in my mind, that it's a form of insanity that poses no threat to others around me or myself because its more helpful than harmful (I'm more harmful to myself then any of my beliefs/crazy things in head are, in all honesty). And most people I know would look at me like:

'Go see a shrink and take pills'

I already take pills for depression, and anxiety, and the psyche knows about the 'voices and beings' but doesn't see a problem with them either because of the aforementioned positive advice that is usually given by them. Part of me that's more intune with my strange side likes to believe that its part of who I am meant to be, while my science side goes with it because there's probably just something wired wrong in my head.

Its strange, part of me is like NATURE SPIRITS, and as I like to call myself 'A crystal-gripping, tree-hugging druid with multiplicity'. It's the only label that seems to fit, but can also cause people to just be like, yeah, you're crazy.

I don't claim to have any MYSTICAL POWAS or any of that... I'm just a strange Goop that tries to keep to myself... Major religions such as Christianity are rather sad to me because I'm all for loving others, but I don't like the people that constantly run around telling people that they are going to hell for whatever reason. I'm not going to run around and claim that I'm uber special because I feel close to some gods and have magikal visions about spirit animals and that I'm the only way to save the world... I'm just a bumbling goo trying to make sense of the world
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