Which way is up?

Jan 19, 2012 23:24


Just a random song.

I've had a strange day today. After being unable to get out of bed for class, I ended up trying work and getting through my handful of hours. I had to take a lorazipam because I was starting to feel things shift to anxiety. Then things were kinda normal till I got home. I just showered, and fell asleep on my bed.

I've been up for a few hours now, mostly disorientated spatially. I should crawl over to look at my assignments


This too has effected me. And you could say that after dealing with my boss at work about anxiety and depression that I *feel* like a second class citizen. I can't tell her why, at least not the major part that's causing issues now because I know how people stand on that around here. I don't want to lose my job or get stressed by punk ass workers any more than everything else.

I'm just going to cuddle my pillow.

ponderings, dysphoria, gender fluid

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