Jan 23, 2012 20:14
I'm Catholic. Always have been, always will be. I def believe in God and all the intangible faith based concepts of Catholicism. But when I sit in church, I really don't get a great sense of holiness, goodness, I don't know.
I've done service all my life: either thru donations or service projects.When I don't have time I give financially and when I do have time I give thru actions. I find great peace and warm fuzzies helping a fellow homosapien in need. But sitting in church hearing about parables and psalms, I don't feel like a better person.
I feel like I get more out of a walking faith, essentially. Always acting Christ-like to one another, being peaceful, listening, open minded, accepting, benefit of the doubt. Basically there is less chance of hypocrisy. You can sit in church and agree that sin is bad and love one another. But that doesn't mean you do it.
I like to donate my funds to a nearby charity, rather than giving at church. I recommend my customers, all day long, to try npos and utility assistance. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't give the money to these groups. If I don't support them, who does.
I find great peace in nature. I find my faith just shaken by the beauty of nature. I find complete awe in the forest, lakes, etc. I feel like God is actually present there.
I don't know. Maybe its just me. I'm flawed, I'm sure this thinking is just fucked. oh well