1. The whole family is somewhat musical, but Carlos's oldest sister,
Sara, is a singer in the Los Angeles Opera company. He used to practice with her while she was going to school, playing his guitar to give her music to sing to before musical try outs in college. To this day, when he uses the Sight, the sound of his sister's voice is one of the many sounds that make up 'all clear' in his perception.
2. While there are many reasons for Carlos's virginity, one of them is a faint bit of fear. When his grandfather was serving in Korea, he slept around with a few women on the side. One of them, so says a family rumor, cursed his, er...
His grandmother makes veiled references to this concerning her irritation with it. Carlos is usually the only one not giggling at the time.
3. Carlos spends every Friday on his father's porch while he, his father, and his grandfather sit around drinking micheladas. They don't always talk about anything, and when they do it's usually the most ridiculous things, or about football (which gets the discussion heated) but they always do it. His grandfather is something of a sexist, his father pretends to be but keeps it quiet in the hopes of his wife not hearing it, and Carlos usually snickers along but doesn't say anything when the discussion goes there.
4. His mother hears everything.
5. His mother does not know the meaning of "tact" when it comes to dealing with potential significant others for her children. She will say, right to someone's face, that she doesn't think they're financially stable enough, not handsome or pretty enough, not polite enough, not loud enough, for one of her children. As such, each and every Ramirez child does everything in their power A)not to let their mother know they're dating and B)keep her away from the person they're dating.
6. Re: the above? One of his younger older sisters managed to keep their mother away from her boyfriend until the day of the wedding. Everyone else is split between being disapproving and wondering how in hell she managed it.
7. Re: Re: the above? After the wedding, Carlos insisted on testing her for wizard-level abilities. She didn't qualify.
This got her even more admiration/irritation.
8. When he was younger, before he really found his magic, he wanted to be an actor.
9. He's a romantic. A real, dyed-in-the-wool romantic. A 'there's magic in the air' type. He's actually looking for that kind of love, no matter what comes out of his mouth. He got it from his mother who, despite her acid tongue and other mildly terrifying qualities, is so in love with his father (and he with her) that he can't think of settling for anything less than that.
10. When he was a kid, he used to have problems with ghosts and spirits seeking him out at night. No matter what the temperature, he'd wrap himself into a little ball and curl the blanket all around him right at the center of the bed so that they wouldn't touch him. None of them were harmful or meant him any ill will; they just knew he could see them and might be willing to help them. It took him almost a year before he told his grandmother, at which point she put up wards in the room.
He still has a tendency to sleep in the exact middle of a bed, though.