Hehe..I'm like on a robot and AI spree right now.
I think it's because of the recent AMV I made called 'Love's fool', from the footage of the anime 'Metropoils', and the music from Evanescence. I bet you can guess the song, but the movie really grabs at you because it fits the music so well. Actually a little too well, it could be the theme of Metropolis...o_o LOL
If you ever get the chance to rent the movie, please do. It's very spooky and it has such a great storyline, with a twist of romance. This AMV doesn't do it justice.
Download it here:
http://www.deviantart.com/download/23015809/ Or if that doesn't work just hop over to this link and scroll down til you see 'Download to Desktop' click it and here ya go:
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/23015809/ On another note, anybody heard of 'Code:Lyoko'? I blame Mike for having said something about it and my own stupid curiosity. It's about four kids who find this giant super computer in an abandoned factory that once belonged to a scientist. There thay met this AI girl who's world(and ours) is under attack by a virus that wants to become real in order to destory the world, forget taking it over.^^
LOL I really wish I knew what else was going on because I jumped into the series in the middle of the story. I'd have to watch it at the beginning for sure to see what I missed. I think there's a little love story somewhere in there too, between this Japanese girl and this really silent guy. And another less notcible romance between the AI girl and the nerd of the group, only they're feelings are mutual. How cute..
Leave it to a computer to fall in love with a nerd and vise versa. They really do make a cute couple I'll admit. I'm a sucker for those kind of relationships(which doesn't surprize me, as almost all my stories are centered on that kind of thing.) I wonder if the nerd guy, who keeps saying he'll be able to make her real or something, can actually do that. That would be so cute if it came true.^^
Well I'm still working on the story 'Sympathy for a fire demon' and I'm starting another story called 'Webs', a love story within a murder story within a story of friendship story.
Basically it's about a spinnster(27) who helps a young man(21) who's wrongfully accused of murder in the 1800s. She discovers the house she lives in, actually houses a prison under her feet, so she mets William and plans to save him from being killed for something he didn't do. Later on it gets romantic, but she never returns his feelings because it turns out she's running out of time..we have yet to see what her trouble is and what William can do to help her...if he can in time.
See any similarities to another story about farm animals? What does it remind you of? And will it end the same way? Who knows *makes creepy noises*..hehe
Well that's it, have a really great holiday!:)