Birthers and truthers and warmers, oh my!

Feb 15, 2010 13:57

The Tea Party movement started with "Ronpaulians" on the kook fringe and was co-opted by conservatives as a vehicle for change. Now, it is being co-opted by Progressives masquerading as "Moderates" or Libertarians. As is evident from the gubernatorial candidacy of Debra Medina in Texas, these impostors seek to decimate the movement from within.

Perhaps true Tea Party activists and conservatives are too skeptical to assign time to these idiotic theories. The one thing that is true is that Progressives and "Moderates" are either purposefully misrepresenting their true natures, or they are doing so under the misunderstanding of the greater movements. In other words, Fake Libertarians or Progressives are either lying or being lied to.

A better term for "Moderates", Fake Libertarians, and Progressives would be Libertines. It reflects their amoral natures.

Pronunciation: \ˈli-bər-ˌtēn\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English libertyn freedman, from Latin libertinus, from libertinus, adjective, of a freedman, from libertus freedman, from liber
1 usually disparaging : a freethinker especially in religious matters
2 : a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality; specifically : one leading a dissolute life

Date: 1577

The word "libertine" was originally coined by John Calvin to negatively describe opponents of his policies in Geneva, Switzerland. This group, led by Ami Perrin, argued against Calvin's "insistence that church discipline should be enforced uniformly against all members of Genevan society". Perrin and his allies were elected to the town council in 1548, and "broadened their support base in Geneva by stirring up resentment among the older inhabitants against the increasing number of religious refugees who were fleeing France in even greater numbers". By 1555, Calvinists were firmly in place on the Genevan town council, so the Libertines, led by Perrin, responded with an "attempted coup against the government and called for the massacre of the French ... This was the last great political challenge Calvin had to face in Geneva."

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