All Your Friendslist Are Belong To Us

Oct 09, 2007 23:00

Yeah, yeah, sorry, I couldn't resist. I haven't updated here in so long I figured I ought to do something at least half-insane to start off or something, and so that is what I did. Considering I'm half asleep, struggling to figure out what the hell I'm going to say, and, like usual, I ought to be doing work. But considering this is the first time I finally convinced myself that it would be better to update here than sleep, play video games, or eat something, I figure I'm going to milk it as much as I can. And not do the nice thing and put the entry under a cut because . . . well, all your friendlist not really belong to us would.

First, though, I hope things are going well with all you guys. I haven't been able to keep myself regularly checking this journal anymore, since I'm struggling as often just to keep my other one updated (even though the folder where I keep my archives on my computer clearly states "Daily Blog"), so I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with you guys. From what I have seen, it seems that things aren't going absolutely terrible, and are pretty good overall, you know? (Or at least the world didn't explode, which is something ^^; ) I would try to keep in touch better, but I'm considerably bad at that, because of that whole lazy gamer and neurotic writer things being mashed together, and all. But I haven't forgotten about you guys, so until I actually get back to keeping tabs on this damn LJ again, がんばれ! ("Do your best!" which most of you probably already know ^^; )

Anyway, now for something that makes me seem less stupid than I have been so far this entry . . . which hopefully won't degrade into pointless rambling and me falling asleep on my keyboard (all of which are distinctly possible, except that first one about not being stupid and all XD):

I am now currently residing in my dorm in Japan, and the current time (at this point in writing) is 11:15 PM. No, 11:16. Whatever. I've been here a little over a month, and there's been craploads of stuff going on, most of which isn't very interesting or I've forgotten. Sorry. But! I haven't forgotten everything. Like how I'm in the Tokyo program, but told I would probably live in CHiba, and actually am in neither (I think it's called Ichikawa). I have a sizeable apartment, a 3LDK(3 bedroom, living, dining, kichen), with my bedroom being larger than my old dorm room at college at GWU. Which is both scary and sad; though mostly sad. The kitchen came fully stocked and outfitted with everything we could possibly need . . . except food, of course. T_T I have my two roommates, Mr. Hat the jewish samurai and . . . okay, I don't have a nickname for the other kid, but he's not so bad either. But he doesn't have a fedora. So there.

I've got to say, though, I can understand why people want a private bathroom at college instead of a public one: it's actually clean, and I don't walk in each day wondering what someone has smashed out of boredom or drunkenness.

School is a very touchy subject amongst us here in the IES Tokyo program. Mainly because just about everyone in my class hates it. No, hate is not the right word . . . ah, got it. Everyone despises the class. I ended up getting stuck in Level 1 japanese, which, after two weeks of dull and grating review, our regular class started with stuff that is still review. My textbook makes me want to light it on fire, and I will be doing so upon returning home this semester. That last thing was not a joke. I am going to burn my textbook when I get home. Let me know if you want pictures of video. The classes are completly random, there's no real clear direction we're going in, and I haven't read any of the lessonssince the first day. And that has not caused a problem yet. The homework, which I would expect should take an hour or so if it were at an appropriate level, takes about half an hour, a good third of which is spent just trying to remember where the hell I put it when I got home. One of my teachers, Kinoshita-sensei, is a really nice teacher, and does his best, and actually tries to make class interesting and entertaining. ANd then there's Smiley-Sensei (I can't, and don't really give a f*** that I can't, remember her name very often), who I, to quote The Grinch, "LOATHE ENTIRELY!" She treats us like idiots and won't stop with the damn fake smile. She is, so far, the only teacher in my entire life that I have despised both as an instructor, and a human being.

So, yes, sometimes school is a bit frustrating. But my History of Tokyo class is really interesting, and my Anime, Manga, and Culture class is probably one of the best classes I've taken since I've gotten into college. Our teacher is incredibly knowledgable, and keeps bringing up all the most interesting cultural tangents before jumping back into what we were talking about before. I've learned more about Japanese culture and real manga and anime culture in her class than I have any other way. ANd we've only had two classes and a field trip so far. I'm going to enjoy it. And besides, I have another class tomorrow, which is nice.

I've met a lot of people, too. Most of the other IES kids are pretty cool, and yes, most of them are pretty geeky like me. I have not seen such a large collection of anime and manga fans who like video games and Japanese stuff outside of the GWU anime club, and unlike that club, most of them appear fairly normal to the untrained eye. And, well, a pretty fair number of them took martial arts too, and could kick the crap out of you if they wanted. As for the Japanese people I've met, they're all a wonderful collection of people, and while I haven't met the kind of variety I spot around GWU because I, like everyone, don't live at the school, I've seen such a wide variety of people I've come to realize it's just like any other college. THe people I ahve met, though, have all been great. I actually can carry a conversation, and my Epal is teh awesome . . . if only I actually spent more time henging out with him. ,o,_,o,

And, as for the girls, yes, I have met someone who I could sort of fancy. She's chinese, and unquestionably cute. And I had a nice conversation with her in Japanese and made a moderately good impression, I think, in terms of normal human being-ness. But I've only had two conversations with her. But, I do have her email adress. But, I lost it. . . . >_<

I don't know who you believe is causing this to happen to me (though I would guess that you would say "Magnus17 is the culprit!"), but I just have one thing to say to them: "Damn you, person/supernatural being/creator deity/random chance/nothing/levitating pasta dish!"

I've done some somewhat interesting things, too, like visiting Tokyo Game SHow a few weekends ago. Which, after play testing White Knight Story and Assassin's Creed, and seeing videos for MGS4 and Kenzan!, and hearing about new Kingdom Hearts games (but not waiting in line to actually see them), has only one reasonable thing to say about it: I will own a PS3 by December 31st, 2008. . . . Which means I will have no money at all when I'm a senior at GW. T_T

I've been out to Akihabara, which truly is the geek HQ of Tokyo, though, since I haven't been many other places in Tokyo so far, I can't relaly say much about it except the entire freaking street is made of game stores, comic shops, arcades, electronic parts shops, used game stores, used comic stores, computer stores, duty free shops, amateur game stores, console game stores, model shops, toy stores, movie stores, maid cafes, cosplay shops, department store like places containing multiple of the above, and other things like that, 80% of which also sell a considerable amount of porn, I think it'd be kind of hard to think that there would be somewhere else with more. And that's just one side of the station that I've looked through. How much is that? Let's just say that the amount of porn able to be purchased gives the internet a run for it's money for a good while. ANd if you think I'm exaggerating, well, yeah, I guess I should say ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's actually kind of scary how much there is. And it's debatable that some of it is easier to find than the stuff on the internet.

Truly a geek capitol, don't you think? ^^;

Okay, it's almost midnight, and I'm getting even more tired. I probably won't be updating here again for a long, long time, but I am sticking to updating my Japan-y Blog of Bloggy (at ), and there's no lock on commenting or rite of secrecy, so make fun of my stupid antics/tell me what I ought to be doing/get your friends to do the above for you, whatever. And, for the less reading inclined, I've gotten a Flickr, finally, and am throwing my pictures up there. Of course, at this moment, it's completely unorganized, so, um, it's completely unorganized right now, but you can check it out anyway. (

Until next time, everyone, rock on! XD

PS. Oh yeah, in case you haven't seen this, a friend sent me it and I really should have passed it around much earlier (like, when it was sent to me). So, if you haven't seen it: The iPhone Shuffle.

PPS. Oh, one other thing. For people who know Pheonix Wright / Gyakuten Saiban, I offer you a website dedicated to the Newgrounds Shorts Pheonix Wrong!

japan, study abroad, life, school

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