An Actual Entry?! oO

May 23, 2007 22:16

Well, lots of things to go over now. Guess I'll do something . . . which is completely out of order, lacking in any sense of direction, jumping around to random things with no apparent rhyme or reason, bad editing, and several things omitted for no real reason.

Basically, just another day on the job.

I'll start with school. I'm now back from GW, and back in MA for the summer. No more papers to write, no more tests to take, no more Go club, no more Anime club, no more crap, and no more time with a good half of my friends for at least three months, most of them for another year and a half, if ever again. So yeah, it's summer time, meaning I have three months to try and get people around here to convince me they are crazier than the people I know in DC. I wonder if they'll make it this year (they did last summer, which was a pretty amazing achievement oO [then again, this year will be a bit of a challenge . ).

And the job I was supposed to get this summer? Yeah, they decided not only to not hire me, but not hire anyone at all, and merely forgot to tell me for a good month, after I was pretty much garunteed the job. Thanks world; thanks so much. *sigh* Oh well, now it's time to learn how to find a job, something I've never actually done before, and compounded by the fact that I don't have a car, and I can't drive, so I either have to get a job in town or within biking distance, or in Boston. Crap.

Okay, now for Japan. Things are looking to get more fucked up, I have stuff I need to send in within a week and a half, that I haven't looked at yet, and my passport isn't getting back until early June at best, and I still need to send it to IES AND the Japanese Consulate to get into the country as a student. It's gonna suck very shortly here. I haven't studied any Japanese for two weeks, but I did get an A- in class, so that's good (first time ever getting above a B; in fact, it's the first time my cumulative GPA has gone up since I got to college, or even my semester GPA has).

I've been thinking on this for a while, and I'm planning on starting another journal type thing online just focusing on my time in Japan and getting ready for it. I know, I know, I've used to talk about doing one for writing and that one never got off the ground, but hey, I've already told people face to face about it, so I figured I'm kind of stuck doing that, since I don't want to send my teachers or other people links to this thing. I am NOT getting rid of my LJ here, it's a good place to vent, talk about completely random things, and keep up with some of my friends still, though I will probably update less often when I'm abroad (read as: I will update as often as I do currently). I will definitely be posting a link to that here for everyone who wants to check it out or wonders where the hell I went. I'm contemplating using Wordpress, because I really want to try it, I have confirmation I can get it exported out to any other blogging site or even my own, and can let people comment who don't have a wordpress account (so everyone will be able to tell me how stupid I'm being, pat me on the head when I'm down, and all the other menial chores this journal asks of you as being my friends ^^; , or just to say how silly things are that I'm talking about). And it's free. That's always useful. (It's here:

My extended family on my dad's side, who make up all of the relatives I have down around DC and the much larger, more outgoing, more memorable, and on many such occasions, more entertaining/embarrassing (depending on the circumstances), is planning on visiting me in Japan. Let's just say I'm starting to realize either a) I'm pretty smart, b) watching anime makes it much easier to learn Japanese, or, most likely, c) Japanese is insanely-fucking-nutcracker-hard (yes, that's one word) for other people. I mean, it had it's challenging parts to it, but I always thought that was because I never studied . . . often . . . or really ever. I can't speak it or hear it very well, but I can write well enough, and grammar and particles are a breeze for me. But when someone creates the phrase "Eat a donkey's mouse" to help remeber how to pronounce a phrase in Japanese, . . . wow. Just, . . . wow. (Well, it explains crappy headband-fans pronunciation at AB and Katsu) [to be fair, the person was drunk at the time when she came up with that] {five points to anyone who can tell me what phrase they were trying to say}

Oh, right, I was supposed to talk about them coming to visit me. They're planning on doing that. I'm scared. Seriously. I think that's all that can be said about it. I'm going to be looking up every "I'm sorry" phrase I can find to hand out to them before I leave the country. The problem is that it's probably a good idea if I do that. *shudder* THey're really great, and I love them and all . . . but it's going to be, uhh, interesting. ^^;

Um, I'm reading again, which is always nice, starting to catch up in some of the stuff I was supposed to have read for class that I still wanted to read even though I had already finished the exams on it (go british drama go). And good news: I have officially passed one of my new years resolutions of reading 12 books within the year already, if you count individual play books as one book. Hooray semantics?

I have come to the realization a few weeks ago that I hate girls as a people-group. Those who fit into the wonderful group of "non-romantically- / no-longer-romantically-interested-in girls" are the only ones still retain their previous awesome-ness at this point. Which is good because they are. But anyway, yeah, it still sucks being single. Especially when, two weeks before the semester ends you realize you like someone and have a chance with them, but then you're not going to see them for all summer because they're several states away, then both of us will be in a different country, and then there will be more time in Japan and then by the time we're both back in the same place together again, she'll be graduating withing just a couple months and be gone. And anyway, even if it was worth asking her out back then anyway, I forgot to mention this to anyone who could give me sound advice, so the opportunity is wasted. Another relationship fuck-up from me. *headdesk* (. . . wait, maybe that wasn't the best word to use . . .)

And I'm once again back at square one: completely out of people I'm interested in who I can actually form a relationship with. And, I'm pretty sure I'm out of people to meet in these three towns here in MA, which just makes it worse. I know, I know, Japan, and all that, sure, there'll be lots of girls there and such, . . . and yet, I think I've seen that logic before. But where? Oh, yes, I remember! College with new freshmen girls, College, Senior year, Junior Year, High school, Middle school, GYLC, . . . considering that makes my ratio zero / infinity, i don't think that bodes well on my chances when I'm as articulate as a six year old . . . if I'm lucky.

I'm probably going to have to do something I've been avoiding for years this summer . . . clothes shopping. *shudder* But there's a reason, a good reason, I know I'm going to need more clothes for my year abroad, so I'm fine wasting money on clothes . . . it's a necessary evil, I suppose. Hopefully I can convince some of my friends around here who know about fashion, or at least wouldn't mind helping me not look like an idiot all the time, to help me find stuff. (Considering I don't believe any of them seriously would do this, and my beliefs are often completely wrong; and that i'm expecting a whole bunch of them to jump at the opportunity, and what i expect is usually way off base; and that for this to work, I'd need to inform them of this, and I'll probably never do more than what I'm doing right now; I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen. Hell could freeze over and be invaded by radioactive kittens because of this for all I know. Guess we wait and see, and watch as nothing happens [hooray nothing! ^_^].)

And I need to figure out what to do with this muskrat that's been stapled to my head (i.e. my hair). It's been growing for nearly eight months or so now, but I'm not sure if i should keep growing it out or put it out of it's misery.

. . . Well, that seems to cover the basics. I think I'm done for the night. Until next time, people, rock on! ^_^


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