Same ol...

Jul 08, 2004 18:29

Another day and I'm gettin sick of these damn thunder storms. Yesterday I woke up to what I thought was somebody shooting somewhere out in the yard, so I flipped into flashback mode, did a combat roll out of bed and grabbed the .40, which is still in my room from when somebody was walking around on our roof one night and then started trying our doors. So anyhow, I'm gonna be stuck walkin round all night through all the damn puddles, trying to get my work finished as quickly as possible. Well, I guess we'll see how it goes.
We rented Butterfly Effect the other night and all I have to say is, kick-ass movie. I ended up watching the director's cut a few hrs after watching the theatrical version, also kick-ass. How would that be if you could go back and change something in your life that kinda fuq'd you up. I guess it depends on how you view life. On the one hand you have the whole "everything happens for a reason" school of thought, and so going back and changin shit could fuq up what was meant to happen in your life, which in the end could mean losing ultimate happiness, doing something extremely important, etc. On the other hand, you may feel that everything that happens is a random result of your choices, so who cares if you go back and make a diff choice? You could avoid becoming bitter, angry, upset, hurt, blah blah blah. I don't know I'm just kinda rambling here. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about the whole thing myself, through the yrs I've kinda flipped back and forth on my thoughts about this whole thing, and recent events are making me question it yet again.
I guess I should head back over to my place soon, you know, gotta rub a few out before work tonight to relieve some tension. You know, this is officially the longest I've gone w/o having sex since 99, and I'm really feeling it, but in these kinds of situations, a man's gotta take care of himself every chance he gets, so have a good one. In closing, "Sparkler" (yes, I know that's fuq'd up)
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