You know, stuff

Jul 09, 2004 17:37

I think I might have made a mistake in yesterdays writing, it's Pleasure Island, not Paradise. Ok, moving on, we having a kind of battle of the sexes at work. The only male supervisor is my supervisor, Don, and the ladies in the office are pretty much shafting us on a nightly basis. Don's been having it out w/ them, but it never seems to do much good, I'll tell you now, it's fuq'n on when I get his position in Sep. I ain't taken their shit. So we're hanging out in the employee parking lot last night talking to one of the drivers, Bruce, and he was going off bout how they're all a bunch of dikes because they hate men so there's no way they could be anything but lesbians. I was laughin my ass off, but he was dead serious.
What the fuq does it take to find honest people these days? I'm sick of the bullshit, I'm sick of the games. If you don't wanna hang out w/ me anymore, just tell me, don't show up once in a fuq'n blue moon and give me some bullshit excuses. Just say "Hey, you're too nice of a guy so I decided to go fuq this imature, bad-boy, loser, because I know he's gonna be contolling and treat me like shit" Honestly, is that too much to ask? What's wrong w/ women these days? Why do they constantly turn down guys who are gonna show them a little respect and treat them like a real lady? How do you go from "Holy shit! I wish I could send every guy to you to take sex classes and lessons on how to go down on a woman!" or "I wish I could just walk around w/ you down there all day long and have you eating me out while I'm watching tv, doing the dishes, cooking, whatever" to "Hi just stopped by to say hi and see how you're doing since I haven't seen you in a while, ok, bye" Sorry bout all this, I'm just a little tense because I'm currently on my longest no sex streak since 99 :-( Not that I'd mind if I had an awsome girl who wasn't ready for sex yet, but the whole, no sex, no female companionship, combo is fuq'n killing me. I think I'll be going now, John and I are chattin bout women who are bitches and I'm gettin quite the laugh out of it so I can really concentrate on this.
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