name - Seth
piercings - none
tattoos - none
shoe size - 12
hair color - black, but it's fading back to brown now
length - longer than it should be.
first grade teacher's name: susan schimm
last word you said: "Moviefone!"
last song you sang: You (& This Bottle) - The Librarians
last thing you laughed at: Alana's response to my last survey thing.
last book you read: Completed? I couldn't tell you. Read? "Impro" by Keith Johnstone.
last movie you saw: A Mighty Wind
last movie you saw on the big screen: The Matrix Revolutions
last show you watched on tv: The Joe Schmo Show
last song you heard: Reptilia - The Strokes
last thing you had to drink: apple juice!
last thing you ate: mac n' cheese. (whoa val, that's wierd)
last time you showered: Yesterday morning.
last time you smiled: waving "bye" to kendra
last time you laughed: sometime today...
last person you hugged: julie, i think
last person you talked to online: chris
person you called - mom
person that called you - jacqui
cd you bought - interpol
cd you listened to - Room On Fire by the Strokes
person you were thinking of - Val
smoke: nope.
do drugs: nope
drink: not really
sleep with stuffed animals: no.
have a crush: sorta, i dunno anymore though.
have a dream that keeps coming back: nah.
play an instrument: bass. but i suck @ it.
read the newspaper: sometimes.
have any gay or lesbian friends: yeah, a few of each. a few bi's, too.
believe in miracles: yeah sure
consider yourself tolerant: on the whole, yeah.
consider police a friend or foe: friend...they've never done anything bad to me.
like the taste of alcohol: not particularly.
believe in magic: ummm, maybe
pray: yeah.
go to church: yes, being the devote Jew that I am.
have any secrets: nothing huge.
have any pets: two doggies
go or plan to attend college: plant to attend
talk to strangers: hella
hate yourself: not at all.
wish on stars: no
like your handwriting: ugh, no.
believe in witches: no
believe in ghosts: sure
believe in santa: why not!
believe in the easter bunny: no, but it would be cool.
believe in the tooth fairy: kay, these questions suck.
have a second family: my friends?
trust others easily: yeah.
sing in the shower: hella
believe in online dating: not really...MAYBE under some circumstances
wish you could live somewhere else: never
think about suicide: not in a long time.
want piercings: eyebrow. but not anymore.
like cleaning: no but i like the satisfaction afterwards.
like roller coasters: yeah
write in cursive or print: print.
carry a donor card: no
do you wear a watch: never
favorite pants color: dark blue jeans.
most expensive item of clothing: 50 dollar pants that i bought three years ago.
most treasured: not sure...
do your friends know you: they know about 85% of me. Except a few people who know all of me (Steph, Val, David, Lili. maybe more.)
what do they tend to be like: i like my friends, they rock.
can you count on them: yeah
can they count on you: for sure.
long distance relationships - i wouldn't say i'm against them, but i wouldn't try one.
using someone - well unless you're both using each other (e.g., sex), it's wrong.
killing people - mmm, not if they don'twant to be killed slash haven't done anything bad.
smoking - against
doing drugs - i don't do 'em.
premarital sex - GO FOR IT!!!
driving drunk - against.
gay/lesbian relationships - Go for it! (Val you keep taking my words)
soap operas - don'tgiveashit
food - mexican
song - so many...let's go with Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World for this one.
thing to do - seeing my friends, improvising.
thing to talk about - sex, philosophies, life, everything realy.
sports - i h8 sports.
drinks - vitamin water, apple juice, and gatorade.
clothes - em-O
movies - get shorty, the usual suspects, the matrix, go, swingers, high fidelity, three kings, etc. and of course FIGHT CLUB
band/singer - weezer, the librarians/the paranoids, rbf, the hives
holiday - christmas
cars - i don't care. i like SUV's though.
what's in your cd player: the librarians
what color socks are you wearing: i'm wearing slippers!
what's under your bed: if by "bed" you mean my futon on the ground...the rug.
what time did you wake up today: 7:56...heheh, whoops.
what is your career going to be: professional improvisor if all goes to planned.
where are you going to live: California, no doubt.
how many kids do you want: none.
what kind of car will you drive: a jeep?
current hair: see first section.
current clothes: jean,s dexter danger shirt, slippers.
current annoyance: being stressed, chemistry.
current longing: sex
current desktop picture: a picture of stinson beach i took w/ my camera.
current worry: school in general.
current hate: chemistry.
current favorite articles of clothing: the mick jagger shirt i found in my drawer (where did it come from?)
story behind your username: i had it since i was like 10.
favorite physical feature on a girl/guy: face first and foremost. i guess eyes matter a lot. and hair, wow. body is a secondary thing.
i am happiest when: i'm with my friends.
i feel lonely when: i have no one to be close with.
do you think too much: umm, yeah
if you could live anywhere in the world, where: stinson beach probably.
famous person you have met: no one really
do you have any regrets: a few.
sex or love: at this point in my life, sex. it hurts much less, and rarely goes wrong (but when it does, it's much more painful than love). i dunno. i could go for some laidback, casual love, but no deep intense "i'd go to the edge of the world with you" type love. that's too much for right now.
favorite coffee: frappacino (i'm probly evil b/c i go to starbucks, huh?)
favorite smell: barbeque
favorite way to waste time: filling out surveys.
are in currently in love/lust: lust, yeah.
any bad habits: being online too much.
do you find it hard to trust people: nope.
bath or shower: shower.
favorite season: fall and spring
favorite color: blue
favorite flavor: pumpkin!
favorite time of day: midday in the middle of the summer (I can't improve on that answer, val)
gold or silver: silver.
How long did it take you to do this? longer than it should have.
EDIT: Is this survey viewable? It doesn't show up for me...
EDIT2: Nevermind, I got it working.