So Merlin season 4 is finished. It sounds like a real torture now to be forced to wait for next episodes for a year or even more... Here are my likes and dislikes about the final: What I also disliked was actually the Excalibur scene. I mean, it was beautiful, but the fact that actually Merlin did pull it out with his magic spoiled the thing for me... It showed that Arthur indeed might not be that special... Only Merlin. Yeah, I know Arthur doesn't have magic himself, and the legend told by Merlin was made up, yet I would like it really for Arthur to be bounded to be the one to pull it out. But yeah.
On the other hand, I had the most lovely Christmas with my family. :) First time with my lil nephew was really special. Those 3 days were really amazing, wish they lasted forever.
Yet, it's basically over now... Feels a bit sad. Cause tomorrow a grey, dull reality awaits. And linguistics...which will lead me to death, I fear.