So today was a busy but crappy ass day. I got up with the boy and remarkably we had a good time, giggling on the couch, eating bagels and drinking bottles and tickling and cuddling. I think he's not feeling good, teething is the most likely culprit but neither his father or I are feeling 100 percent so I am not going to just rest all of his clingy-cranky-whinefest on that doorstep.
Loren got up, we watched 'Hit me Baby one more time' which was fun and I'm peeved I missed Arrested Development, and then inside the Actors Studio with the cast of the Simpsons (who loves their DVR? I do I do!). I wanted to get out of the house, I was restless and irritable for some reason, probably this sickness that's getting me down. So we went to Fry's to amble around and look at tv's (price range for decent one 300 bucks) and then to Krispy Kreme for far far far too much sugar and fat.
I had word that
moviekidwas going to be coming back into town on another lay over, so I dropped the man off at work and then headed home where Angeline was napping, I was going to leave the whinefest with her, because lugging him all the way out to the airport for a half hour meeting was just kinda asking for trouble I thought. Waking her up, giving her a list of things to do if he got fussy I slapped on some war paint and fussed my hair up and got back into the car.
I have a severe phobia of driving. It's one of those types that is paralyzing and ridiculous. I've been in about 6 serious accidents since I was 10 years old, and each one has left me more and more nervous, shaky and panicky behind the wheel. I managed to get to the airport, though getting lost twice but managing it and the parking. Got in and got to see him, which was neat, even though he's just as annoying in person as he is on the comp, replete with trying to pick my -massive ass up-. He dashed off to make his plane, I sat and waited to make sure that he would indeed get on it and called Angeline to let her know, I then killed some time by calling other friends and finally when he called and told me indeed he had gotten on. I got back in the car and called Angeline, to hear the screams of my son.
Not that -she- was doing anything to him, just that he's very much a Mommy's boy and was throwing a tissy. I felt so guilty because that's my kid my responsibility, I wanted to get home, get out of the heat, get Hunter before he killed every urge to procreate in a ten mile radius. So what did I do? I got into a fender bender. It was minor, it was stupid, and it was -totally- my fault. And of course I over reacted, bursting into tears on the poor guy and dissolving at him as I waved my insurance information at him. I was just so strung out and upset it was ridiculous.
I got home, the boy got quiet as soon as I was here, and I just..melted down.
Christ. I need a drink and a 12 year nap. This entry sucks I'm sorry guys.