I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to visit Jose...should be fun. :) I really missed him a lot...right now all I'm feeling premature homesickness (i'm not really going to be home much ever again...) and nervousness about the drive. i'm not done packing...i am really tired and need to sleep...oh jeez. i always do everything last minute when it comes to taking a trip. i hate packing.
the day after i drive home from chicago i have to drive up north to do my research the next day. i am excited except i hope i can get the gps to work right....it isn't talking to the computer correctly in terms of coordinates. well it is....but they don't show the same coordinates. it's weird.
anyway i feel better now that i've written something. i always feel less nervous if i can write something or even just make a list of things i have to do (which i already have...).
i got my hair cut and it looks really good. heather thinks it's just like her hair.
i miss jose....he makes everything ok.