I passed my Biochemistry Vordiplom. Though barely, and the prof said I had "a lot to review", but he was "confident that I could do it". Hauptstudium cere I come! Yayness!
It was kind of a..erm, severe attack so I seriously thought I'd faint every second. When we were sitting in the kitchen chatting, I had a sudden pain in the left chest/shoulder area and Dennis (medical student) made the smart remark that it could be a heart problem.. I panicked. Called the uni hospital and got the reply "You don't get heart problems with 22. Go to the psychiatry." Thank you very much. Very reassuring, doc. It was great luck that we caught Michael and his girlfriend in the corridor who had a car and drove me to the emergency station - where the same doctor was in charge and after some questions ("does your legs hurt?" "do you smoke?") told me again to go to the psychiatry, which we did then. The doctor there was really really nice and answering his questions calmed me down a lot. He said I could stay in the polyclinic but doubted that I'd feel comfortable "among the other patients...", so he just gave me some drugs in the end.
Even if they don't read my LJ, I'd like to thank Michael, Jasmin, Dennis and of course Billie for supporting me that night. *squishes* I'd be so screwed without nice people ;-;..
SO! And since I WANT TO RETURN TO NORMAL DAMMIT - a meme, taken from
1. Post 5 old artworks from 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
2. Post your most controversial picture -- one you might have received hate mail for.
3. Post your favourite picture so far from 2005
[2001] Two 2001 pics and none from 2000 since I haven't started "drawing" before I met Digimon =P. I used to draw Kiribans for my Digimon fansite and.. yeah XD Season 02 triangle! Done (like everything early) in an ancient version of Corel Photopaint
[2001] Naru from Love Hina :o my second fanart done in Photoshop, whose layers I fell in love with *__*
[2002] When 2001-2002 was my Digimon era, 2002 was definitely Fruits Basket (which I still love until now). Done in Painter Classic that came with my tablet <3
[2003] Hikaru no Go - this was about when I my shounen manga fangirl was born :o.. I was quite proud of this because I was requested to draw a cover for the (old) animexx.de fanzine XD..
[2004] TeniPuri! 8D And yeah...I think I didn't upload this to DevArt, but Mizuki and blindfolded Tezuka~~!
[controversial] >_> well, not more "controversial" than the one above, but so many people hated Sora and Sorato/Yamora that I enjoyed to draw them together >:3..
[2005-fav] not entirely mine *poke
kaesekuchen*, but I was soooo proud of the colours! XD If this doesn't count, I'd probably say I liked the MinamixSengoku one best, since it's so different from what I usually draw~