(no subject)

Jul 26, 2014 23:14

I've had a busy last couple of weeks. Selling stuff on Ebay, packing for the move and my grandpa had a stroke last Sunday morning. It's been a full 7 days now since it happened (ok almost 7 days) and he's started therapy at the Sister Kenny rehab institute which is it's own wing at United Hospital. There's only 9 beds or so and not anyone is allowed in apparently. Only those who show promise of a near full or completely full recovery. I KNOW doctors don't throw around phrases like "You have great potential to get back EVERYTHING you lost" and "You can make a 100% recovery" but that's what they're saying and it's all due to his otherwise great health. That was awesome news to hear. He always called his mother a "laid back Swede" and she enjoyed excellent health in her 86 years and my grandpa totally inherited that healthy longevity from her. He didn't get any of her relaxed nature though lol. He got ALL of his father's temper. That's going to serve him well though, he'll be motivated to push through all the therapy and get walking again. He was in the hospital less than 24 hours and was already able to move his "dead" knee a little bit so I'm hopeful.

I was getting ready to leave for work earlier today and I bumped into the power strip that houses my fish filter and it stopped working! I tried plugging that damn thing in every outlet but just wouldn't start. I was so mad, I was was like "I don't have TIME for this!" But I dug out a bubble wand and put that in the tank so they'd at least have air while I was at work. It figures too because I JUST threw out all my old filters thinking I'd never need them.... In all my years of fish keeping I've NEVER had a Penguin Bio-Wheel check out on me. They're not the cheapest filters either but I like them because they're external filters. I don't like the ones that hang IN the tank because it takes away swimming space from the goobers. Not sure about a replacement yet. Wish I had a money tree...

I bought a reborn doll (more like a trade because I never used money from my bank account, it was all done after I sold things on Ebay and had money in my Paypal account). She's awesome. I can't believe how fun it is dressing her! Way more fun (and easier) than the ball jointed dolls. I still have multiple bjds to sell.

This CA moving stuff is getting so real. One minute I feel ready and then the next I wonder what I've gotten myself into. I STILL haven't told my parents I'm about to up and leave MN for CA. They are probably gonna flip tables.
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