If you walked in my shoes, then I'd be barefoot

Dec 03, 2008 23:08

Are Open-toed Shoes Appropriate Business Attire?

Comments also caught my attention--
... However, I do think that wearing a suit without pantyhose is unacceptable, wearing pantyhose with open-toed shoes is unacceptable, therefore, open-toed shoes are de facto unacceptable.

... had to write reports on dress rules, and you should see some of them I have read:

*Some places allow open toe OR open back shoes, but not both.

*An employee cannot show more than 2 toes without wearing pantyhose.

*Cannot wear thong style sandals unless there are at least one other piece to the shoe other than the strap holding the thong.

*Cannot wear thong sandals unless the shoe as at least a 2 inch heel on it. Sandals with a ring around the toe is fine.

These rules make no real sense. It is strange how places worry so much about these shoe rules, yet it's perfectly acceptable to have your shoes off & work at your desk without them on.

have your shoes off & work at your desk without them on <-- Heehee. I do this all the time. I like to indian-sit on my chair while working. Or half an Indian-sit. Does that make sense?XP


Because of the no open-toed shoes policy in the new office, I've had to buy new shoes. Which is ok. I should have retired my old pair of boots even before because they were already killing my feet. And not in good way. Read: not that they hurt because they're new shoes or they hurt because they're fashyowwnnn. (No pain! No gain!XP)

It's a pair of Naturalizer boots, and I love them even more now that I've broken them in. ♥♥♥ (Boots are so uso nowadays. But I've been a boots wearer since high school, I think. Which was err... around 8 years or so ago? Hahaha! I've been dated.XP)

I want to buy another pair because I don't like wearing out just one pair. And, boy, do I wear out shoes. I've got the kind of feet na talagang ang bilis makalaspag ng shoes. >.< And, yeah, you've got to factor in my weight too. Hehehe.

But oh the tragedy. Open-toed has been the trend, and I've been crushing on peep toe booties like these--

Looking for new non-open-toed footwear I can fall in love with, I found these.

Love at first sight, *then* followed by heartbreak in less than a minute. Both are priced at 8,600 pesos. T_T

Santa, I want!XP

shopping, work, wish list

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