Feb 28, 2008 23:56
So I was thinking as I was making my way home this evening walking through the freshly fallen glistening snow that I am so glad that February is finally over. February to me, despite having the fewest calendar days is the longest month of the year.
I have come to appreciate winter. It is not my favorite season but it has it's charms, and if nothing else it makes me appreciate the other seasons by comparison.
The biggest problem that I have with winter is not the cold, nor the snow, nor the lack of daylight, (though that is a bummer), no the biggest problem I have with winter is that it out stays it's welcome. Here in the northern midwestern United States winter can show up as early as October and stay well into April and although I've come to appreciate winter for what it is, the charm begins to wear thin by the close of January, which makes February just another unwelcome month of the same.
This particular February has been incredibly long due to the brutally cold temperatures that have been lingering here for most of the month, even more egregious because we haven't had winters this cold in recent memory and with all the talk of global warming, there seemed to be a unspoken consensus among the natives that the bitterly cold winters were a thing of the past. (Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, still one can dream.)
So I rather enjoyed myself as I was marching my way through the light snow and was quite pleased that February was on it's way out and ready to move on to hopefully a more moderate March. There will be more snow, March is a snowy month, but the cold, the cold isn't there or rather is doesn't stay too long when it does come and neither does the snow for that matter.
So Good bye February, and hello....
What's that ?
Leap Year?
Well now, whose stupid idea was that?