
Jun 18, 2005 17:34

I got my Chinese book today and I have to say that it is the happiest book that I have laid my hands on in years. It is full of pictures of smiling people (white people too), butterflies, teddy bears, happy little animals, happy little inanimate objects, and - I kid you not - unicorns! Yes, unicorns. You know the mythical horse like beast that has a horn and an affinity for young virgin girls. Everything is written nice and big, not that that helps me write the characters correctly. The pages are a happy blue color, and all the pictures are in bright happy colors.
The book radiates good feelings. It is a little scary.
So the book was probably made for kids who are about. . . Oh, I don’t know. . . Five years old.
Something weird: All of the punctuation is the same as ours. Do they really use commas, periods, semicolons, and question marks in Chinese?

For those of you who don't know:
Clear Creek High School is being torn down this summer. They are going to build a new high school where creek was. "High school number 4" in CCISD. Count with me for a moment. Lake = 1. Brook = 2. New high school that was once Creek = 3. Oops. More proof that the school district isn't doing much with the thinking. And what are the thousands of children who currently attend Creek going to do for a school? Portables. Poor saps!
Further more the reason for a new building is because they poor freshmen have to get wet when they walk from the ninth grade center to the main buildings. So guess what they are going to do with the ninth grade center! Oh you'll never guess! They are going to turn it into an intermediate school. Can you imagine??? Ha.
What morons.

school, languages

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