Internship, capstone & the flu

Mar 13, 2009 13:56

This is a non-sport post, dedicated to my dear friend karamilah as she's a bit fed up of my sports posts (which she already know are imp to me & are a big part of my life ehm...)

Ok, so on Monday my friends & I went to uni to discuss a topic for our capstone project with a professor, and thank God, el7imdellah, he agreed and said he'll most likely be our supervisor. Yay! That's one thing, now we have to start writing  proper proposal and a timeline. We'll meet on Sunday inshallah @ Gila's house & write it together so we can send it to the professor. The proposal due date is March 26th, but it's better to finish it before of course.

We'll finish our internship on April 9th, start uni on April 12th. I'll have one class form Sun-Wed from 10am-12pm. That'smuch better than 7:30-3:00pm, but I wont be free the rest of the day as we'll have our Capstone project to work on.

I finished 4 weeks of my internship, I'm halfway through. Another 4 weeks are left, but I want them to pass quickly as I'll be in another department. I'll be in the Pensions & Benefits department, which is the biggest in the Fund. I'm not excited at all...I wish there are no rotation and they'd keep me in the HR , but I'll switch places with another intern...

I got used to the people in the Human Resources department. It's a smaller department, and they're all nice. Well, except for one employee. I told some others that I don't like when he gives me work. Once I didn't know what to do, where to find the info as the excel sheet that I found on his pc wasn't updated. Then, I sent him an e-mail as he wasn' in his office, telling him that I tried, but there are data I didn't know where to find. He talked to another employee, told her about me, "Howcome she didn't know how to do it?! It's all in front of her....etc" She told me what he said :P Then, he came over to me, he was friendly, and explained where I'll find the info. Then he told me if I have time to sort the employee folders on his pc! Seriosuly dude! It ain't my problem if you're messy! Well, I sorted folders of 4 departments, and didn't continue coz I got tired :P But i mean it, I felt a bit dizzy from working on the pc for long. Yesterday, he thanked me for what I did. I'm glad he's being friendly, I was told he doesn't really like trainees coz once some messed up his stuff lol.

Lately I feel like I get the flu a lot! On wednesday I felt a bit sick, well I think it started from Tuesday. The headache, the stomach ache. I was hungry, but couldn't really eat coz I felt if I did I'll throw up *bluh* So, I went back home on wed, @ around 1:45 instead of 3. At night I went to the hospital. Doc told me these are the signs of the flu. She told me there aren't real medicaitons for the flu, depends on each person's body. She asked me to take vitamins, and gave me advil for cold & sinus. I asked for a sick leave just in case I wasn't feeling well next morning, and she gave me for one day. I slept early that day, I woke up in the morning, and decided to go to work. I wish I listened to Aimar & Gila. Lol, I told them its my last day in the HRD, as if I'll miss sth. I went, didn't have much work, and I felt I didn't have much energy, so I excused myself to go back home. I left at around 11:30am.

Today, el7imdellah, I'm feeling better...tomorrow I'm going with my 2 sisters & cousin to dubai to attend "Cirque du Soleil, Alegria" yay! I'm looking forward! Hopefully, I'll tell you about it :

xoxo, Saviola
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