6-1!! Hala Madrid!!

Feb 22, 2009 20:13

I'm talking about a football score, and not a tennis set. It was an enjoyful first half, 7 goals in total, my boys scored 6! I'm proud of them!! We could've even scored more hehe. That was awesome, and what made it even better was Espanyol who beat Barfa! Now its down to 7 points...We're catching up. Just you wait Barfa boys, just you wait (I remembered Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady when she sings 'Just you wait Henry Higinz) :P lol

I swear, our win and Barfa's loss made my day :D Hopefully we see more of this so my mood will be good hehe. I kept laughing when we scored more goals :P I luv that!

xoxo, Madridista
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