Jul 18, 2013 17:53
So this is my Friday day, since I work sunday through thursday, and I feel a bit worn. Thursdays are kinda a non starter with me with it being dedicated more to tired and sleepy than anything else. Though it is nice to have a weekday off to take care of errands and such, though I don't seem to get much done really.
There is a guy at work that just gives me the willies. He is a Puerto Rican who I just can't figure out. He is really friendly in some ways in that I think he might be comming on to me. It just the way he does it really makes me want to run away, he just comes across as wrong. Usually I listen to my instincts so I am going to keep him at armslength, cause there is just something about him.
Plan on seeing Much Ado About Nothing tomorrow for Date Night, which I am really looking forward to. Realize that the whole movie was shot in Joss Wheadons house. So weird.