принесла колега погортати

Jan 18, 2006 18:17

Pepper Schwartz, Virginia Rutter. The Gender of Sexuality (AltaMira Press, c2000)

от що знайшла:
по-перше, естроген може мати більше впливу на людську агресію, аніж тестостерон (стор. 6)
по-друге, схоже, що гормональні стрибки не є основною причиною сексуальної поведінки чи будь-яких соціальних дій; натомість, соціальні обставини можуть бути причиною гормональних стрибків (стор. 7). До прикладу:

"One animal experiment took a dominant rhesus monkey out of his environment and measured testosterone level. It was very high, suggesting that he had reached the top of the monkey heap by being hormonally superior. Then the monkey was placed among even bigger, more dominant monkeys than himself. When his testosterone level was remeasured, it was much lower. Onew interpretation is that social hierarchy had influenced the monkey's biological barometer. His testosterone level had adjusted to his social status. In this case, the social environment shaped physiology (p. 8). - Rose, R.M., J.W. Holaday, and I.S. Bernstein. 1970. "Plazma Testosterone, Doninance Rank, and Aggressive Behavior in Male Rhesus Monkeys". Nature 231: 366-68

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