May 07, 2011 12:06
So I finally managed to finish Mass Effect, it wasn't that long but I did keep dying a lot. And I have to say, Shepard is amazing. I was like in awe of my own character. She kept doing all this badass shit and I was like "Whoa!"
Sadly Mass Effect 2 doesn't work. Then I fixed it. Then it had a new problem. Then I fixed it. And now it's broken. AGAIN. And according to EA Tech Support the only way they can fix it is to manually delete the whole thing off the computer and redownload it.
ALL. 10. GIGS. FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK NO. It took me a week the first time. And what's the best that if I do. It won't work again. Hey, Bioware/EA maybe you should make it so your fucking games work in the first place.
The really sad thing is that pre-ME I didn't care about it not working and now I want to play it. Although every time I get sick of it not working I go off and play DA2 instead.