Stolen from a F_W thread due to how much they cracked me up.
First, kittenwings reveals a drean she had about the post's subject.
I just had a DREAM about thanfiction. I had my jaw wired shut so I couldn't say anything in the dream - but he looked like the pictures and talked about the same stuff and had harry potter stuff and then. Um. IT DEVOLVED INTO A SEX DREAM.
no one knows who I am in real life no one knows who I am on real life oh god why did I admit such a stupid thing
caito trys to comfort her with an even weirder dream
I used to have sex dreams about John McCain. We would meet somewhere vaguely professional, like on the White House lawn or astronaut camp. He would inevitably seduce me. Then, after lovemaking, he would recline, smile, and remove his face to reveal the head of a Jurassic Park velociraptor underneath.
This was a whole series of dreams in the summer of '08 and I was shocked awake every. single. time..
Some damn funny comments left in the wake:
"Oh, thank God. I thought I'd just had sex with John McCain."
But was the velociraptor hot?
I... I see.
I hope you know that whenever I see your name, no longer will I think name edited out for paranoia inducing, I will be thinking 'has had sex with velociraptor!John McCain'
I used to have dreams where I had to rescue Barack Obama from the Republican National Convention by duelling John McCain. With swords. (There was no sex though.)
I live in Australia.
Your mind was probably locating you offshore in an attempt to protect you from the possibility of dreaming about Pauline Hanson.
If you actually care original thread is