Birthday wishes...

Mar 05, 2008 22:34

Happy birthday to glass_icarus, someone I've missed recently. Hope your day was wonderful, sweetie!

Want to read something by the birthday girl? Try train (terrain) tracks, Remus/Sirius, rated G, perhaps 600 words. Now, you're going to say that I'm deeply biased on this one, because it was written for me (yay!), responding to a prompt close to my heart (trains, transportation), but trust me when I say it merits a read! G has the most exquisite language and suggestive, economical way of sketching a mood. This ficlet follows Sirius traveling to see Remus after a falling out, and G. brilliantly captures the rhythms and emotions of that in-between state of being in transit, when you're thundering forward to your destination but caught, neither here nor there, halfway between the life you left behind and the one waiting for you at the end of the line. Enjoy!

birthday recs

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