My meta and memes about writing and fanfic:
Five women, a description of five women and girls in my fic and the issues I was dealing with in writing about them. Also includes links to various "five favorite fics" and "five women and girls" memes by other people on my f-list.
My personal canon, a decription of the pairings, original characters, plot points, and concepts you'll find in my fic. Also includes a list of personal canon memes by other people on my f-list.
Opening lines, the first sentence of the first story written every month of 2006. Also includes a list of opening lines memes by other people on my f-list.
On the fanfic writing process, a list of miscellaneous bad habits and coping mechanisms.
In Praise of Biased Readings, an essay (and a defense of Remus/Sirius) about reading between the lines, posted in
Forecast for tomorrow? Not just slashy but a little gay... my two cents on the queerness of slash. My inaugural post, short and not very original, but there are some great responses in the comments.