Title: The Unusual, Exceptional, and Statistically Remarkable Hermione Granger, Age 21
Summary: Hermione assesses her life on the morning of her twenty-first birthday.
Characters: Hermione-centric gen, background Hermione/Pansy
Word count: 3,000
Rating: PG
Notes: Belated birthday fic for the lovely
liseuse, loosely based on her fictional universe. Give
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Harry could do some thinking about Goals and Accomplishments of his own, now that Voldemort was gone.
That's a brilliant line, and so Hermione!
a vague feeling that no ambitious, career-oriented woman would mention lots of cuddling, lots of sex as her greatest accomplishment of the year.
Oh, no, but she should, I feel.
I want to quote more lines to show how much I love your Hermione, but I'd end up with a very, very long comment.
she had shown so much courage in the last battle with Voldemort that she was entitled to take the easy way out for a few years.
Oh, I love this, and the entire conversation between Hermione and her parents made me giggle.
I like the observation of how it's easier to refer to Ron and Percy as "two sons" than by name.
Altogether, I really, really enjoyed this! And I'm very intrigued by all the background information - I'll have to check out liseuse's stories when I have some time free.
Oh, no, but she should, I feel.
*whistles innocently* No agenda here, keep on moving, folks. *smile*
Glad you like the story, Lyras! I'm also very glad it seemed to pass muster with you, because I don't think about this generation very much and feel a bit out of my element. But Liseuse's stories were a fabulous starting point--I like the way she envisions childhood enemies coming together under the pressures of war and politics and then staying together afterward.
Again, thanks! M.
Also, I shall be by soon to read your latest. I'm hopeless behind these days but looking forward to it very much.
I loved it - seriously, for sheer joy in reading it doesn't get much better than this. I think you should take on this generation more often :).
And no worries at all. To be honest, I wasn't expecting many people to read that one, because I know it has the potential to push a lot of uncomfortable buttons. No pressure!
It's a lovely story, fierce and sympathetic and not afraid to look at uncomfortable things, which I admired. To be honest, my reservationw were much more selfish--I'm working on a Lily/Alice fic and am still trying to figure out what happened to Alice in my version of events. There are certain people--you and lupinslittlesis some to mind immediately--whose versions of events (for one reason or another) are so compelling to me I find them a little distracting sometimes. *sheepish smile* M.
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