First off, much lovely writing on
scarvesnhats, including the first installments of several serials. (Yay, serials!) Go take a look!
Second: I'm helpless, I know, but editing in LJ is giving me problems.
* I generally write in a Word document and cut and paste into an LJ post. The problem is that Word gives me those curly quote marks which makes it impossible to spell check. Does anyone know how to make Word use the regular quote marks? Or are there other ways of fixing this problem?
* Also, is it possible to add words to LJ spell check? The first time I saw that "Dumbledore" was similar to "tumble down" and "ambulatory," it was charming. Now I'm growing tired of it.
Thanks! Maggie
ETA: Quotes all sorted. Thanks, all!
As for spellcheck, it seems as if I'm out of luck. But surely there are enough of us here on LJ writing HP fanfiction to merit the addition of the characters' names to the system's spell-check?