
Aug 27, 2010 11:32

via_ostiense/jaebi_lit has recorded my Sherlock character fic Good to Know (John, Sherlock, gen, 14:00 min) as a podfic! Summary: If Sherlock didn't make a mistake every once in a while, he wouldn’t learn anything unexpected. (Link takes you to the DW audiofic archive
amplificathon) Thanks so much,

* While you're there, you might also be interested in downloading another of her podfics, Other Things To Do After Buying A Cat (Sally Donovan/Molly Hooper, teen, 17:00 min.) by
blackeyedgirl. Summary: It starts because of Sherlock (most things seem to). It's up to them to make it come to more than that. This is a thoroughly charming fic, recced here already, that also attempts to address some of the gender issues of the show. Enjoy!

* And a quick, non-podfic rec:
sophinisba has written Saving Face fic: Who Taught You How To Fall (Vivian/Wil, 2850 words, R) Summary: Vivian notices that Wil dislikes hanging out at the dance studio. Enjoy this one, too!

Heh. It occurs to me that I should have a tag "omg lesbians!" for dyke-centric posts like this one. It pleases me to no end that I have three lesbian-related items for you.

This entry was originally posted at http://magnetic-pole.dreamwidth.org/11846.html. It has

themes: gender, fandom: sherlock holmes, recs

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