Quick rec: Other Things To Do After Buying a Cat (Sherlock; Molly/Sally)

Aug 17, 2010 21:37

A very quick rec for a charming short fic, Other Things To Do After Buying a Cat by
black_eyedgirl (Molly/Sally, PG-13, 2500 words). A light-hearted getting-together story with an undercurrent of critique of the show's gender problems. And kudos to the author for her sensitive portrayal of Molly as a woman who can be self-effacing and reluctant to say no but is not abused or condemned for it. The show didn't give this character the time of day, so it's gratifying to see an author think her arc through with such nuance.

This entry was originally posted at http://magnetic-pole.dreamwidth.org/11240.html. It has

fandom: sherlock holmes, recs

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