Title: Emancipation
Word Count: 3500
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Edie Johnson, and Squeaky, a house elf
Summary: Sirius' past comes back to haunt him in late 1980.
sambethe A story from the Alignments universe.
With an
illustration by the amazing
There are a lot of reasons to stay with a family, especially when the future seems so uncertain. Only a few house elves will leave. )
Comments 25
The back and forth between the boys and Edie was lovely. I particularly liked the gentle ribbing and the slightly more irritated exchanges between them all. I also enjoyed that, despite himself, Sirius is still dealing with his past and that his mouth still gets carried away with him.
And Squeaky...not sure where to start with the love on the house elf emancipation. As I think we have touched on before, this issue is difficult and there are no clear cut answers. I think this comes across perfectly here, especially the question of just what do you do with a bunch of free house-elves? And what do they do with themselves? I always sort of wonder what happens to elves that are given clothes and aren't Dobby or Winky. It isn't like Hogwarts is running a house-elf refugee camp.
So yay! Much love. Time to make tea and see if I can sleep.
I do think the issue is really difficult but that the situation is so awful that Hermione can't be the first to deal with it. And employing runaway house elves at Hogwarts, even with pay, is *so* not the answer.
Just wanted to say thanks again for being such a support and thoughtful reader! Maggie
And I do hate that you can't edit comments as I often make stupid typos and forget to hit the spell check button.
Excellent, Maggie, I am so glad you decided to do outtakes. :D
Thanks so much for continuing to read along! Maggie
By the way, who is the artist for the images in your icon? They're really well done. Maggie
I really like the conversations between Squeaky and Sirius. Very nicely done. And this:
“Well, my family was unusually cruel,” Sirius said.
“Or Squeaky was unusually brave,” Remus replied.
That's great, it so subtly ties together the Squeaky/Sirius parallel.
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