Tutorial #04

Sep 01, 2005 23:50

Today we're making an icon featuring Fiona Apple.


For Adobe Photoshop 7, but can probably be translated, if willing. :D

To make the base all bright and pretty, I messed with the levels and made sure it was nice and bright. This step will vary for whatever image you're using to do the tutorial. So here's my base (originally cropped out of this):

Now I used a texture by dorky_duck, which I modified for this icon's use. Set it on Screen @ 100%:


Next, I duplicate the base and bring it to the top of the layer palette/icon. This one gets set on Soft Light @ 30%:


Duplicate the base layer and bring it to the top again. Go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate or hit Ctrl + Shift + U. Set this layer on Overlay @ 40%:


This next step is a bit tricky, because it uses a layer mask. But first, copy the texture from Layer 2 (by dorky_duck), bring it to the top, and set it to Multiply @ 100%. Fiona will look horrible on the left, but I really like the effect on the right side, because it sort of makes the background more abstract.

So next we have to use the Layer Mask technique. To learn about that, check out this tutorial, which makes a blend. I set my brush on 80% opacity, and erase most of the texture over Fiona's face. This results in the following:


That's basically it for this icon. I added a 1-pixel border in #009999 and some tiny text in the same color. And we get the final result:

Thank you and enjoy!

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